Tuesday, April 20, 2010

U.S.A. F1 Not Competing

Apparently the team that had the biggest budget, most time and better experience out of the new teams and is not going to compete this year and is unsure about competing next year.  It really dosnt make sense I mean what were they doing.  Work, coffee break, work, coffee break and more coffee break, I mean really teams like HRT (campos) had much less time much less money and like one small sponsor.  Another problem I think was that they could only find one driver until the last minute who was some guy called James Rossiter.  Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_F1_Team for more info.  Well anyway they tried hard but they didnt make the deadline but they were pretty close its just i think slow progress thats all.  Picture Copy Right Of U.S. F1 Team.

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